Bethel Tours
We warmly invite you to tour our branch offices, generally referred to as Bethel. Some of our offices also have self-guided exhibits.
Tours Resumed: In many countries, we resumed tours of our branch offices on June 1, 2023. For details, contact the branch you would like to tour. Please do not visit if you test positive for COVID-19, display cold or flu-like symptoms, or have recently been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19.
South Africa
Tour Information
Home Visitor Centre. An introductory video provides an overview of what happens at Bethel and how Bethel supports our worship.
Printery 2 Visitor Centre. A video highlights the value of printing literature in local languages. A viewing deck allows visitors to see the printing presses in action. A Bible display shows the history of how God’s name has been used in the Bible in some local languages.
Printery 3 Visitor Centre. A viewing deck offers a comprehensive view of the shipping floor.
Additional Information. Visitors can enjoy their own picnic lunch at the Visitor Rest Area.
Address and Phone Number