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What does mercy include?

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Ps 51:1, 2​—When King David begs Jehovah for mercy, he is asking for forgiveness and for cleansing from his sins

    • Lu 10:29-37​—Jesus teaches a lesson on mercy by describing a Samaritan who showed kindness and consideration to a Jew

Why do all humans need mercy?

What example does Jehovah set when it comes to mercy?

Ex 34:6; Ne 9:17; Ps 103:8; 2Co 1:3

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Job 42:1, 2, 6-10; Jas 5:11​—Jehovah shows Job mercy and teaches him to be merciful as well

    • Lu 15:11-32​—Jesus illustrates Jehovah’s mercy by describing how a father treats a wayward son who repents

Why does Jehovah show us mercy?

What role does Christ’s sacrifice play in the forgiveness of sins?

Why should we ask for mercy and never take this gift for granted?

Lu 11:2-4; Heb 4:16

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Ps 51:1-4​—King David, crushed by guilt over his sinful course, humbly pleads with Jehovah for mercy

    • Lu 18:9-14​—Jesus uses an illustration to emphasize that Jehovah shows mercy to those who humbly acknowledge their weaknesses

Why can even those who have committed serious sins hope to receive mercy?

De 4:29-31; Isa 55:7

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • 2Ch 33:9-13, 15​—Manasseh, though an extremely wicked king, repents and pleads for mercy; he is restored as king, after which he further proves by his actions that he is truly a changed man

    • Jon 3:4-10​—The Ninevites, though steeped in violence and bloodshed, repent of their ways and receive God’s mercy

What role do a sinner’s confession and change of course play in Jehovah’s mercy?

Jehovah’s mercy does not shield us from all punishment or from the consequences of our sins

Why should we be merciful?

If we fail to show mercy, what might be the effect on our relationship with Jehovah?

Mt 9:13; 23:23; Jas 2:13

See also Pr 21:13

  • Relevant Bible account(s):

    • Mt 18:23-35​—Jesus uses an illustration to show that a person who fails to show mercy will fail to receive Jehovah’s mercy

    • Lu 10:29-37​—A well-known illustration reveals that Jehovah and Jesus disapprove of those who fail to show mercy but are pleased with people who act like the merciful Samaritan

How does Jehovah treat merciful people?