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“I Couldn’t Put It Down!”

“I Couldn’t Put It Down!”

“I Couldn’t Put It Down!”

● Youths from around the world have expressed their appreciation for the book Questions Young People Ask​—Answers That Work, Volume 2. * Consider some examples:

“I appreciate the fact that the book promotes communication with our parents. I put the suggestions into practice, and now I can say that communication between me and my parents has improved.”​—Roberto, Mexico.

“Once I started reading the book, I couldn’t put it down! I like the ‘Action Plan!’ near the end of each chapter and the ‘My Journal’ page at the end of each section. This book has helped me to stand up for my beliefs at school.”​—Joelah, United States.

“The more I read, the more I was moved. I was impressed with the quotes of so many young people, as well as the ‘Did You Know?’ and ‘Tip’ boxes. This book makes it clear to me that the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses is interested in young people!”​—Hui-won, South Korea.

“Of all the books published by Jehovah’s Witnesses, this is the one I find the most pleasure in reading. You know exactly what goes on in the minds of teenagers and the problems they face in the family, at school, and with friends.”​—Shana, Canada.

“Every time my parents argued, I would go to my room and cry. But after reading chapter 24, ‘What Should I Do if My Parents Argue?,’ I was able to talk to my mother and father about it. They were surprised to find out that their arguments were affecting me so deeply. They read the chapter too. Now they understand my feelings better, and their arguing has become rare.”​—Mariana, Czech Republic.

“The ‘Role Model’ pages have touched me deeply and have helped me to work on my weak points. For example, it is difficult for me to get better acquainted with people I really don’t know in the Christian congregation. But page 97 tells how Lydia got to know Paul and his companions better by extending hospitality. I now try to imitate her example.”​—Mónika, Hungary.


^ par. 2 Published by Jehovah’s Witnesses.

[Box/​Picture on page 25]


Katrina, a 16-year-old girl in the United States, was assigned to give an oral report for her speech class on a subject of her choice. Making good use of the book Questions Young People Ask​—Answers That Work, Volume 2, she chose the topic “Sex Before Marriage—​Why It Is Wrong.” Her parents relate: “In her report Katrina defined the word ‘abstinence,’ explained the risks of premarital sex, and outlined the harmful consequences of breaking God’s moral standards. Katrina also read quotes from the book, showing how some young ones felt after violating God’s standards. Then she opened up the discussion to the class for questions, which she was able to answer. After her presentation, Katrina’s teacher gave her a note which read, in part: ‘Thank you for speaking truth and for bringing light into a dark world. Stay strong in the faith.’”