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Is Social Media Harming Your Child?—⁠How the Bible Can Help Parents

Is Social Media Harming Your Child?—⁠How the Bible Can Help Parents

 “The mental health crisis among young people is an emergency—and social media has emerged as an important contributor.”—Dr. Vivek Murthy, U.S. surgeon general, New York Times, June 17, 2024.

 How can parents protect their children from the dangers of social media? The Bible offers practical advice.

What parents can do

 Consider these Bible principles.

 “The shrewd one ponders each step.”—Proverbs 14:15.

 In view of the risks involved, do not feel pressured to let your child use social media. Before allowing your child to use social media, make sure that he or she is mature enough to stick to time limits, maintain healthy friendships, and avoid inappropriate content.

 “[Make] the best use of your time.”—Ephesians 5:16.

 If you allow your child to use social media, establish rules on its use, and explain how these will help to keep him or her safe. Be alert to any changes in your child’s behavior that could indicate the need to limit his or her access to social media.

Learn more

 The Bible says we are living in “critical times hard to deal with.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5) At the same time, it offers timeless advice that can help us to cope. A list of over 20 Bible-based resources for parents and their children can be found in this article on teen mental health.